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Creating Our Own Utopia

Creating Our Own Utopia

We have reached a point in our civilization in which we can no longer tolerate a pluralistic society.

We see our vision only and will not accept the slightest deviation from what we consider to be THE perfect world.

In years past, the passionate debates would last forever - in pool halls, barber shops, taverns, community centers, and in our very living rooms.

And from the passion sprung progress, but progress lives no more.

And while we all strive to be the authority on all things political, social, spiritual, economic, romantic - we have lost our patience with one another.

We have lost our mutual respect, and in so doing, we have lost our very humanity. We have dismissed our collective freedoms.

We cloak our bodies in our imagined robes of power, adorn our heads with the thrones of invincible superiority. And we rule our imagined kingdoms with an iron fist.

And in our own imagined nirvana, we can manipulate, bend, twist, sculpt, and build the perfect world.

In our parallel existence, there is a perfect social order that adheres to OUR greatest dreams, and OUR vision – in politics, spirituality, economy, social order, and romance.

We have succeeded in creating our very own utopia, and we sit back and marvel at our greatness.

As the master puppeteer, we can remove with the slightest flick of our wrist, all those who oppose our views, and replace them with others who are eager to enter our kingdom and please our ego.

And should some be so bold as to publicly disagree with our vision – whether in matters of politics, social justice, the human condition, or on virtually any matter that threatens our delusions of omniscience, we will shut them down.

They will be banished, eradicated, expelled, and exiled from our utopia.

In our perceived greatness, we may offer a temporary gesture of aristocratic leniency. We may decide to take pity on the fools, warning them of their impending beheading should they not concede.

But in so doing, we may also simultaneously call forth all the powers in our possession to humiliate, demean, degrade, and shame them for their difference of opinion.

Because we can. We are omnipotent and will wield our powers without mercy should we so choose. Divine Right Among Kings, and we answer to no one.

For how dare some have the audacity to live differently than do we? How dare they have the strength, determination, and insight to carve another path and not simply succumb to our vision of the perfect world, and how dare they deviate from the kingdom?

We will shut them down. Another one bites the dust.

And just as one takes out the trash and readies himself for spring cleaning, with a mere push of a button, we will continue to build our utopia.

How powerful we all are. How righteous and almighty. We have finally reached the promised land:


Carreen Schroeder Matthew Schroeder December 20, 2015 7:43p.m.

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